Cleaning the Church

Allie's final in parish service project for confirmation was to clean the we took Dermot along to help.

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Pictures from play night

Dermot Basketball #2

Dermot basketball #1

Deirdre's School Play #2

This was the final song with all of the kids combined. At least in this one you can kind of hear the kids singing.

Deirdre's School Play

Admittedly I don't have a very steady hand, but here's the video of Deirdre's "solo".

I have to say I was a little disappointed. After all the build up about how cool it was that a 1st grader actually had a "solo", the "play" was little more then a bunch of kids singing along to recorded songs, and the songs were played so loudly that you couldn't even hear the kids.

That being said, Deirdre was of course hysterical!

I couldn't resist

I was going to tell Allie it was time to leave for PSR and she just looked too cute doing her Math on the whiteboard Mark painted for her on her bedroom wall :-)

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