18 Years have come and gone....

for me they flew by...but for her they drug on and on........

Ok, so I changed up the words to the song a bit...but it's oh so true. 18 years ago, they were wheeling me down the hall in the hospital to the delivery room....Ashten already halfway to being born....having the doctor say...don't push...put your legs together and my insistance that wasn't going to happen because I'd crush "it's" head. Having my sister look at me with tears in her eyes while they cut the cord and my beautiful baby girl came into this world.

Sometimes it's hard to reconcile the beautiful woman she has become with the baby born that day. All I know is that before that moment, I never knew it was possible to love someone so much.

Over the past 18 years I've seen Ashten grow and change from that tiny little infant, to a gawky preteen, into a beautiful young woman. I'm not going to say that the road we've travelled was always easy.....let's face it she can be a real pain...but I digress.

Ash...I'm so proud to have you for a daughter, and I can't wait to see you continue to grow for the next 18 years.

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