
I went up to bed last night and saw a little Angel in my bed.

So cute.....when he's sleeping :-)
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Aeros Game

Today the Singing Angels sang the National Anthem at the Akron Aeros game. Mark, the D's and I went and stayed for some of the game. Since it took like 2 hours for the first 4 innings, we did not stay for the whole thing, but it was a lot of fun.

George "The Animal" Steele was at the game, and Mark had a photo op.

Remnants of our TP'd trees

Apparently one of the initiations for new Rangerettes is to have their house toilet papered.

The fam had it mostly cleaned up by the time I got downstairs, but this is what was left.

Apparently Allie was really upset that someone would dare do this, until she found the poster sized note congratulating her with a little bag of goodies welcoming her to the squad.

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These girls love to dance!

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Parma Rib Bun Off...

That's Corey on stage, he made it to the top 5 finalists for Parma Idol!
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They call Jonas "puppy", because he comes when called just like a puppy. Ashten however calls him her little baby, and as you can see here, he's quite happy being treated as just that :-)

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Dermot's 1st grade science project

Dermot had a science project to do, and once again, I totally forgot about it until the night before. He INSISTED he was going to do a volcano. Here's the final project, it erupted and everything!

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A nightly ritual....

...Allie having to carry Dermot back to bed.

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Hanging out watching TV

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