Chuck E Cheese Adventure

Well, once again we are right on top of things around here. Bill had given Deirdre gift certificates to Chuck E Cheese, and she finally got to go on the 10th! Mark and Bill took all of the kids, and from the look and sound of it, they all had a blast......well at least the kids did!

Also, Deirdre is still trying to convice us that we need to drive to Chicago to see the newest addition to the Healy family. I'm not thinkin that she is going to give up on this any time soon.
Fortunatly, Melissa keeps her blog more up to date then I do, and there are some really cute pictures of her on their blog!

1 comment:

melissa said...

looks like you guys had a great time! save those glasses so we can get pictures of lil in them--she feels left out!